Author: blogCitta
Categorized : Information TechnologyThe Essence of Leadership
What do you think is the essence of leadership? “The challenge of leadership is to be strong, but not rude; be kind, but not weak; be bold, but not a bully; be thoughtful, but not lazy; be humble, but not timid; be proud, but not arrogant; have humor, but without folly.” – Jim Rohn For a… Continue reading The Essence of Leadership
Categorized : Information TechnologyA Beginner’s Guide to CRM System – 5 Points to Consider Before Choosing Your CRM System
There comes a point where managing hundreds of spreadsheets to manage your customer database, jumping from one document or system to another to locate lead or customer data, or navigating sales opportunities by reviewing scribbles on Post-it notes is no longer an option. Customer relationship management (CRM) is a software framework that assists business owners… Continue reading A Beginner’s Guide to CRM System – 5 Points to Consider Before Choosing Your CRM System
Categorized : Information TechnologySeven Points to Consider Before Outsourcing your IT Project
Segregate by distances, a dedicated resource is essential for becoming the ideal solution as an extension to the team. What is resource outsourcing? Resource outsourcing describes an arrangement, in which an organization chooses to hire an external team to effectively carry out all their technical tasks, that could be done in-house instead. The process of… Continue reading Seven Points to Consider Before Outsourcing your IT Project
Categorized : Human ResourceExit Interview Questions That Aren’t a Waste of Time
Employee Life Cycle starts with the Recruitment and ends with Exit of an employee. An exit interview is as important as a job interview. Page Contents ☛ What is an Employee Exit Interview?☛ Purpose and Importance of Employee Exit Interview☛ How Exit Interview is Conducted?☛ Sample Exit Interview Questions What is an Employee Exit Interview?… Continue reading Exit Interview Questions That Aren’t a Waste of Time
Categorized : Human ResourceDepression & Stress Management Techniques
Stress And Depression – Know the Difference Life is becoming too fast and competitive that we all are experiencing stress at one time or another. Nowadays the stress is becoming so normal that we started ignoring it. Sometimes stress is good if it motivates you, keeps you alert, increases your productivity to meet the deadline.… Continue reading Depression & Stress Management Techniques
Categorized : Digital MarketingWhy Digital Presence is Important for your Business
There is a saying “Out Of Sight Out Of Mind” in today’s dynamic world it is very important for any business to ensure it’s visibility 24X7. As a brand, having a digital presence is essential owing to the benefits it offers. In the present scenario the mindset is seeing before buying, It means people do… Continue reading Why Digital Presence is Important for your Business
Categorized : Digital Marketing“Importance of Quality Website”
When it is said that our first impression is last impression, is it only relevant to our personal looks and body language or in this era, which is full of technology and online platforms it also applies to our business portfolio as well. You got it right, not a big fact but ignored widely. You… Continue reading “Importance of Quality Website”
Businessman holding a phone with a shopping icon. Online shopping Categorized : Digital MarketingBenefits of promoting your products in Digital SpaceBenefits to promote your products on a digital space to grow your business.As we all know that we have everything in our hands by using our smartphones in a single click, isn’t it? So, we can do the same thing for our business. All of you using social media, and also seen multiple AD’s on… Continue reading Benefits of promoting your products in Digital Space
Categorized : Information TechnologyRight Time to Invest in Block-chain Technology for Your Supply Chain Business!
Nowadays, technology is not limited to educated and white-collar employees. A basic literacy level is sufficient to bring in the technology required to upgrade the business. It is well accepted that the world is going to be high tech soon, where all operations will take place on the digital screen. It is more evident through… Continue reading Right Time to Invest in Block-chain Technology for Your Supply Chain Business!
Categorized : Information Technology“Leverage Enterprise Automation through BI Enabled ERP Solutions”
As we all are aware that this is the world of Data, everyday organizations accumulates huge data through various kind of business operations which needs to be converted into information for better planning and achievement of targets.Many organizations are still in the mode of using spread sheets like excel to manage this huge data although… Continue reading “Leverage Enterprise Automation through BI Enabled ERP Solutions”