There tend to be some important steps relating to the security and controls for the sake of securing the Micro-Services approach. Below are discussed these steps in detail:
Using TLS protocols for every application: Any microservice application required API as a key if several API services are there then the software may need some additional weapons in the form of tools for the sake of managing those APIs. Therefore, it is very much important for the board to have access control for the sake of getting proper safe authentication as well as authorization. The Board can also use the third layer security protocols (TLS protocols) for managing the APIs to secure the system from every possible attack. Another thing that the board can do in this context is that the board can make encryption of the essential communication that takes place between the client and the server through Third Security Layer protocols (Li, Chen, & Wang, 2019).

Profiling all APIs: Harmful software, like bots, often creates the chance of exposing the abilities of the microservices to a considerable number of recipients than needed. In reality, it is the technical users who possess the power to access them authentically. To avoid these kinds of exposures the board can make labeling of the APIs so that there should be a certain number of individuals who should access these services thoroughly as well as authentically. Through the process of network segmentation, the board can also get the chance to secure the microservices approach.
Prohibit revealing sensitive data in the form of plain text: In this context, it needs to be noted that plain text is quite easy to understand and can be copied by people having evil intentions. At the time of securing the Personally-Identifying information popularly known as PIL, the boras need to make sure that it should not be revealed as plain text. All the essential passwords with usernames should be safe and secure during the time of saving in records. In addition to that, the act of encryption will be the key in this context to save the data (Nehme, Jesus, Mahbub & Abdallah, 2019).
Using the multifactor authentication process: The board needs to use a multifactor authentication process for the sake of authorizing the users. Through using multifactor authentication, the board will ensure the users of providing better protection as there tend to be quite a few aspects that are proven to be harder to steal. For instance, the use of biometric authentication will take the level of security of microservices altogether to a new level which will prove to be beneficial for the users to access them easily as well as effectively.
Using defense in depth for the sake of prioritizing the main services: In this case, the board needs to understand as well as recognize the sensitive services based on which it can apply a considerable number of multitudinous layers to secure them prominently. Consequently, it will become critical for the attacker to exploit the multitudinous security layers because it will take a considerable amount of time for the attacker to recognize the suitable way through which all the information can be stolen. Therefore, it is very much important for the board to use this for the sake of securing the microservices approach effectively.
Using automatic security updates: If the board wants to use a secure as well as effective microservices approach then it is very much important for them to find out a way through which automatic updating of the software can easily be done. In addition to that, it is very much important to have high testing coverage as through this it will become easier for the board to identify and understand any issue regarding the updating of the software.
Using a distributed firewall: At the same time, the Board should look for using a distributed firewall having a centralized control to secure the service. It will make it difficult for the hackers to steal information using unauthorized access as there will be a centralized power of control that will be monitored by the board (Park, Venkiteswaran, Sinha, & Reichenberger, 2018).
Using security scanners: It becomes very much essential for the board to have a serious look at the particular issue of scanning containers regularly. Security scanning will decrease the chances of periodic vulnerability. Docker Security Scanning, Twistlock are some of the scanners that the board may use for the sake of securing the microservices.
Monitoring every activity with a tool: It will become very much difficult for the board to secure its microservices without having monitored the activities. Prometheus is considered to be a beneficial source through which monitoring activity can be performed by the board. In this context, it needs to be noted that the monitoring platform needs to be compact as well as advanced for the sake of providing better services to the users.
The above-mentioned steps will prove to be very beneficial for the board to secure the microservices. At the same time, it is also important to note that effective implementation of these security steps will provide the desired results to the board. These particular steps will help the board to store essential information in the system so that no one can easily steal it by accessing it unauthorized. At the same time, the board needs to take a cautious approach in implementing the security steps of microservices so that they can be secured effectively from the unauthorized access of any third party.
The recommendation after the adoption of a Microservices approach in cloud computing.
It is very much important for the Citta Solutions Company that renders services to the people of Australia, New Zealand, and India to be careful in adopting cloud computing for microservices approach while making an effective Business Continuity Plan. Like most other companies, this company is also willing to take effective strategies to provide better service to its customers of Australia and New Zealand. In this context, it needs to be stated that the company needs to be cautious while implementing cloud computing for the microservices approach effectively. Below are discussed some of the recommendations that the company needs to look at while adopting this technology effectively to carry out its operational activities in a more efficient way:
Application resilience: Microservice architecture assists in breaking down the issues as a result of which it becomes easier for the users to maintain it easily. This architecture also provides a nice chance for the software providers to make faster improvements for the sake of marketing their business effectively. Though microservices make isolation through defined boundaries still there exists a high chance of network as well as application issues. It is observed that most organizations use time-outs to limit the time of operation that helps stopping the hanging of an operation (Düllmann & van Hoorn, 2017). In this case, circuit breakers will be a good option to deal with these issues and have indeed proved to be very helpful in cases of distributed systems. In this context, it needs to be stated that if a service highlights a particular type of error for a long period, then the breakers will try to open the connections to avoid making any type of communication with that service.
Back up: The act of backing up the essential data is important for microservices as it contains some important information about a particular organization and anyone can easily misuse the data. To back up the important data it is very much important for the company to update its software regularly, and also try to identify the errors for which the chance of losing the data occur. The act of installing antivirus software will be a good option to prevent the data from being affected by a virus. At the same time, it is very much important for the company to save the data in an external hard drive because it gives the chance of performing scheduling backup options if needed.
Disaster recovery: Disaster recovery should be handled with much attention. It is because most of the companies store some of their private data in the systems by giving unique id codes. Once again the management authority needs to take a firm step in securing the data in the systems in an efficient way through unique IDs and passwords (Pardon & Pautasso, 2017). At the same time, it is also very much important for the members of the company not to share the id passwords with any unknown person otherwise; the company may go through a phase of serious losses in terms of data recovery.
The encryption procedure needs to be good enough to secure important data so that no one can easily steal it away. In this case, the use of passwords, with user id proves to be vital. The users need to make sure that they should use unique passwords and usernames in their respective systems to save the data. At the same time, the high authority needs to maintain a cautious look so that no one can share the id passwords with any unknown persons. If the company suspects any individual, doing this then the company has the full authority to terminate that individual then and there.
At the same time, the use of proper biometric is also very much important for the company to secure its data effectively. For this reason, the company should adopt effective biometric authentication which will be applied to every user of the organization. Through using effective biometric authentication the company will get the chance of securing its data quite effectively from any unauthorized third-party access. Through effective biometric authentication, the company will accurately be able to identify its employees, thereby reducing the chances of happening any mismatch in terms of recognizing any individual properly.
Application Programming Interface, popularly known as API plays a crucial role in consolidating the infrastructure of any business organization. API makes specifications in the ways through which the software components perform interacting with each other. At the same time, it is very much important for the company to have a check on the accessing of these systems in such a way so that no third party will be able to access it unauthorized.
The company needs to be very careful in terms of storing its data in the right place. Along with this, the systems in which the data will be saved should be updated from time to time in case of any inconsistency. If the data stores in a machine insecurely then it will be harmful to the company as it will give the chance to use the data as and when required. In this context, it needs to be stated that the data privacy key needs to be handled efficiently. The company should give this responsibility to senior members of the company who will implement strict strategies to secure the data effectively.
In addition to it, the company should also look to make improvements in its technologies regularly to provide quality service to its customers. At the same time, the company officials need to be very careful in adopting new ways of securing its important as well as essential data from being misused. In this context, it needs to be stated the company should look to invent more ways of securing the essential data that will prove to be beneficial for them in expanding its business.