This particular report is going to throw light on the benefits and issues of cloud computing architecture required for a microservices approach for Citta Solutions. In addition to that risk assessment of the microservices approach has also been discussed in detail with the security steps that are very much required for the effective implementation of the approach.
1. Description of Cloud architectures.
A. Cloud computing architectures

In general cloud computing architecture defines several components and subcomponents relating to the cloud that is comprised of the following things:
Front end cloud computing:
This cloud computing is visible to the user or the client. This includes the interface of the user and the system of the client. In this context, it needs to be stated that various cloud computing systems have various user interfaces. Through hi, the company will be able to use a greater range of web browsers including chrome, firefox, and many other types that will be beneficial for the company to perform its everyday business activities (Wu et al. 2016).
Back-end cloud computing:
This is considered to be that side that is given by the service provider. The back-end cloud computing includes numerous servers, programs, virtual machines with which cloud computing is made up. This cloud computing is also useful for the company in terms of providing security mechanisms and various protocols to carry out their functions effectively (Boukerche & Robson, 2018).
Cloud-based delivery:
The company should also look to use cloud-based delivery architecture to carry out its business tasks effectively. Through using this the company will be able to save its cost of using the technology quite efficiently (Varghese & Buyya, 2018).
Through effectively deploying these Citta Solutions will look to make an advancement in technological issues and at the same time it will also take serious steps through which problematic issues relating to the microservices approach can easily be resolved.
B. The benefits and issues of deploying these architectures
Nearly two decades the concept of cloud computing is prevailing in society and it still has the lion’s share in performing various applications relating to the business that is proved to be beneficial for a company’s growth and development. The cloud computing architecture can be very helpful for Citta Solutions in the following ways:
Reducing the costs of IT:
The act of adopting cloud computing architecture will give Citta Solutions to reduce the managing and maintaining of the costs of IT systems. Citta Solutions will not need to buy any expensive items and other essential accessories to carry out its operational activities, rather it can use the costs through utilizing the cloud computing resources effectively (Botta, De Donato, Persico & Pescapé, 2016).
Development in business:
Cloud computing architecture will provide the company the chance o store the essential data that is required to make an effective business plan and continue it accordingly. In this context, it needs to be noted that if the company faces any natural disaster then through using cloud computing architecture it will be able to back up its data quite effectively. Therefore the company once again will get the chance to use its protected data can carry out its business activities (Rittinghouse & Ransome, 2017).
Easily accessible to automatic updates:
The company through using cloud computing architecture can easily be able to access automatic updates in case of its IT requirements. In this context, it needs to be stated that Citta Solutions will get the chance to update the system with the latest technology through the cloud service provider from time to time. Through this update, the company will indirectly get the opportunity of the latest versions of software with the up-gradation of computer servers (Balalaie, Heydarnoori & Jamshidi, 2015).
Security to data:
Most organizations now show willingness in terms of securing their essential data through cloud computing architecture. It proves to be very effective for organizations to secure their data by using cloud computing architecture for their business purpose. Similarly, Citta Solutions will be able to secure its data effectively by using cloud computing architecture effectively.
The serious issues related to the employment of cloud architecture have been discussed below:
Issue of data security coupled with privacy:
The act of securing the data and protecting it carefully proves to be one of the major concerns related to cloud computing. It is the cloud service provider that is mainly responsible for providing cloud service. The cloud service is involved in transferring the security of the users and the control of privacy. In this context, it needs to be stated that the risk linked with this act of transferring the security along with the privacy control procedure to any unknown party who can misuse it completely. Therefore it is a matter of great importance for the service provider to have clear knowledge regarding the importance of data security to the user. At the same time, the service provider should need to realize data security which is considered to be a major concern of cloud computing architecture (Almorsy, Grundy & Müller, 2016).
Cases of cyber-attacks:
The cloud service provider also needs to handle the cyber attack issue very seriously. The essential data that is gathered in the system always carries the risk of cyber-attacks and in cases of cloud storage; it is proved to be a concerning factor. At the same time, the size of the data stored in the system matters a lot as it is very much prone to cyber attacks as a result of which there can be a risk of losing the essential information. Normally these risks generally come from bot malware, attacks relating to brute force which proves to be more threatening in cases of losing the data from the system. In this case, it is very much required to assess the security measures of the service provider to prevent these dangerous attacks which will assist in understanding the kind rather level of security that is provided in cloud computing (Haimes, Horowitz, Guo, Andrijcic & Bogdanor, 2015).
Issue of quality service:
Quality service is also proving to be one of the major concerns of cloud computing which is why big enterprises show unwillingness in making a shift of their business applications to cloud computing. Apprehension always works in their mind that is they think that the cloud service providers do not ensure any guarantee in terms of protecting the essential data. In addition to it there tend to be some things like performance, scalability that are considered to be major factors for big organizations. Therefore it is very much important for Citta Solutions to recognize carefully the proper service quality relating to cloud architectures (Hussain, Fatima, Saeed, Raza & Shahzad, 2017).
Issue of incorporation with prevalent infrastructure:
This is considered to be one of the major challenging parts in cases of accepting the cloud system is the combination of prevalent infrastructure in the cloud architecture. For this reason, several organizations are facing problematic issues in accepting cloud computing architecture for their various business applications (Khan & Al-Yasiri, 2016).
2. Risks associated with Micro Services strategy and description of each risk and its control

Implementing a microservice strategy has a significant impact on the organization by increasing automation as well as deployment speed. While Citta Solutions wants to build up the microservices by converting them into cloud computing systems which will ultimately provide the company with more flexibility as well as compatibility services. Unlike monolith applications which ios mostly built as a single autonomous unit. This eventually makes changes within the form, causing it slowly, which affects the entire system. Citta Solutions, which deals with video production as well as development will require special software which can able to undertake the pressure of the services (Mostafa &Khater, 2019). Though microservices solve the significant challenges of the monolithic system through their modular approach, thus providing the purest form of application that most suits the small services. However, Micro-Services are often connected to the APP, which can probably leverage different tools of the same kind. As there are certain benefits of the microservice approach, the company has undergone to take up the architecture style. The benefits that are being provided by microservices are:
Easy to deploy
Easy to understand
Reusability throughout the business
Isolating the defect faster
Minimizing the chances of risk occurrence
Though it seems to offer the above benefits within the company, there are also certain risks that are associated with the implementation of microservices by Citta Solutions company. Therefore, the threat has been identified that is associated with the new Micro-Services.
A microservice strategy is generally used for breaking the large software into a couple of modules. The separate couple modules communicate with each and every part by using the application program interface. Mostly these are web-based applications that were using the interface microservice strategy (Gannon, Barga&Sundaresan, 2017). It improves the faulty isolation from the failure of a single unaffected module. It is quite easy to understand because the interface is straightforward, and it is flexible enough. Although there are several drawbacks of this strategy that has been identified and discussed below:
Lack of encryption
Data protection is the most essential as with vulnerable security and lack of concern, and the data can be stolen. Eavesdropping is the most common phenomenon that can be faced by the company, which is one of the major risks that has been identified through the implementation of microservices. The man in the middle (MitM) mostly attacks the circumvent mutual authentication through the impersonating endpoints. Therefore, it is necessary to encrypt communication as well as data services that can be accessed only by the concerned individual, and thus, it can be prevented from further misuse of the services. To fix the problem, the following measures can be undertaken:
Employing a reliable VPN that can protect the data from theft
Using proxy server which can be relied on
Encryption needs to be done in a reliable manner by using SSL or TLS in order to maintain server authentication
Thus, it needs to conclude that Citta Solutions needs to understand the cloud computing architecture coupled with the microservices approach for the sake of providing better service to the members of the different parts of India.