Through the concept of IoT, we can relate everything moving around us. If everything from our surroundings is being connected, those connecting bodies collected the required data as a whole and need to give proper security to the user. Another important part of these connecting devices would be their ability of programming in low network power. The focal point of this study is to identify the basic advantages and impact of these connecting mechanisms on their users in recent times. To support this view, the future possible scope for researchers of these devices for more development, their advantages, and disadvantages, the solutions to mitigate those follies and make these connecting devices more effective and energy-efficient regarding IoT security and privacy challenges in all domains of IoT, innovate some automation power to differentiates the low power network from the standard use of the internet are also can be entitled to this study in this project study. Internet of Things (IoT) has a significant and sound impact on our daily schedule through the offerings of advanced technology for connecting systems, devices, and even services to reach beyond the mechanism and develop communication to fulfill the various types of protocol and domains.

The devices of IoT connect people all around the world even in a low-power network structure. The devices also protect sensible private data from hackers to data breaching possibilities. The research report concentrates mainly on the lacking of privacy of data access by the users around the world and also the negative effects of the flaws of IoT in everyday life, as people in recent times are surrounded by these connecting devices. Apart from this, the report also aims to evaluate the possible factors that affect the IoT program and also enlighten the proper mitigation process of IoT to upgrade their devices.
Research Aim
The research aims to find out all the security and privacy challenges related to IoT.
What is the issue?
To resolve the difficulties regarding the security and privacy of IoT devices that collect important data from various wireless sources with the help of a high level of technology, software, and sensors attached to them. As commented by Botta et al. (2014), not only do the devices receive data from the outside wireless networks, but also they can operate with those received data within the existing internet structure. As commented by Sicari et al. (2015), to develop the standard of living of the users, I would be more focused on the security and privacy of their connecting devices as the devices connected several people. To make the domains privacy proof, IoT would follow data integrity security, security over numerous data points, control the capacity for data encryption for secure access, common framework, updating of the devices, and so on.
Why is it an issue?
It is an issue as the mechanisms of IoT are surrounding us in our daily life, the security and privacy of these mechanisms are very much important. As commented by Conti et al. (2018), the insecure data integrity system of these devices is not worthy as the devices deal with the private and sensitive information of the users. The security of the numerous data points is also another important issue to secure the concerning server from data manipulation, data breaching, and hacking due to the lack of privacy.
Why is it an issue now?
As commented by Chen (2017), it is the biggest issue in recent time as IoT plays a vital role. To control the number of accesses of the users, security is the biggest aspect, as there is a high possibility of security termination due to a lack of private security.
What light does it shade on the research?
As commented by Zhou et al. (2017), after discussing the flaws of IoT devices regarding secure privacy, It can be said that IoT needs to develop their devices to improve the privacy to present more reliable data access possibility, as the devices are surrounded the peoples’ lives in recent times.
Objectives of research
● To identify the failings of IoT regarding their privacy policy.
● To evaluate all the factors that may affect the entire system of IoT.
● To identify all the security and privacy challenges in IoT
● To identify all the possible recommendations to fight against this problem.

Research questions
● What are the failings of IoT regarding their privacy policy?
● What are the possible factors that affect the entire system of IoT?
● What are the security and privacy challenges in IoT?
What are the possible recommendations to fight against these flaws?
Concept of using Internet of Things
The IoT is a kind of network which usually used in different electronics items, software, sensors, and other connective devices to share or connect data. The use of IoT is very broad. These appliances which are embedded with the internet of things can be used at home, in different workplaces, in some government or non-government sectors, and so on. As stated by Mahmoud et al. (2015), the use of IoT becomes famous recently because of the accuracy and quickness of the network to perform a job. But along with these benefits, the use of IoT has faced some challenges related to its security which affects the reliability of using this network where high security is the basic criteria. Managing the safety and security of the wireless communicating areas is the main problem as there is a high chance of threats. As commented by Zhou et al. (2017), the use of IoT networks becomes very popular immediately after the introduction of this technology in different devices. It allows thousands of users to be a part of these networking systems by sharing data or connecting. This broad use of a huge number of accesses creates a threat in this networking system.
Working process of the IoT networking system
In 1999, Kevin Ashton had proposed the model of the internet of things networking system. As mentioned by Singh & Singh (2015), the areas where this internet of things has been introduced are Wireless sensing Networks (WSN), Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), and mobile communication. The networking system has been introduced in all types of gadgets like mobile, tablet, PADs or laptops also. Along with these personal devices, the official gadgets also come under the use of the internet of things networking system. The networking system works based on providing a centralized system to share or communicate any information. As commented by Bugeja, Jacobsson & Davidsson (2016), the main concept of this network is based upon the cost-effective sensing system and wireless communication gadgets. According to the increased demands of IoT used gadgets in daily life for different purposes the modification has been done on the centralized information-sharing system so that the system does not face any difficulty while managing a huge number of subjects at a time.
The effect of IoT in different background
The use of the internet has increased for entertainment, shopping, gossiping, and many other purposes which have changed the virtue of life. Internet becomes a vital part of regular life. People are completely dependent to perform any job on the internet. As suggested by Sadeghi, Wachsmann & Waidner (2015), this becomes possible because of the revolutionary use of internet technology, to be very specific the use of IoT and this type of technology. The safety issues related to this networking system are becoming an issue in the present day because there is no such technology that can provide complete security by the use of this technology. Thus this is the main challenge of using this network to provide data sharing and connecting security by using the technology. Security is mainly required for government organizations where the shared information is very confidential.
The IoT has a lot of contribution to the healthcare system devices for diagnosing disease and provide advanced care by the use of different personal medical devices. Apart from medical purposes, home appliances are also a huge area of using this technology in different apparatus like a refrigerator, washing machines and television and so on. As commented by Conti et al. (2018), the use of this IoT in an administrational purpose of a country to resolve different national and international conflicts by the use of the internet requires high security for sharing data.
Figure 1: Concept of IoT

Impacts of using the Internet of Things
The impact of using IoT technology has been shown in different areas of healthcare, personal devices, home appliances, and so on. Hence the different impacts of IoT are given below.
Impact of IoT in a smartphone: The use of smartphones has increased as it follows the command of the user and the user can control the server according to their choice. The device can be able to collect additional information by the use of embedded sensors along with that the user’s location and behavior. As explained by Xu, Wendt & Potkonjak (2014), the use of thermostat technology in the smartphone can help to detect the location of the person by tracking the GPS located on the phone. Apart from this, there is a lot of use of a smartphone is there like this with the help of IoT technology.
Impact on forming a smart home: Smart home technology allows the use of different gadgets for the security of the home. This involves the biometric analysis to allow the entry of an authorized person into the home. As suggested by Hossain, Fotouhi & Hasan (2015), the use of IoT technology has shown these types of positive impacts by minimizing the crime related to the robbery. Along with that this technology has also allowed a user to stay updated about the members entering a home from far. As suggested by Yousuf et al. (2016), they can be alert in case of an unauthorized entry and take help to stop it.
Effect of Wearable: The current achievements of IoT technology are in wearable devices to measure heart rate, pulse rate, and so on. These wearable devices are wireless and their working process depends on sensing the different activities working in the body. As mentioned by Sajid Abbas & Saleem (2016), based on this the automatic result of the different physical processes usually comes. This device is very useful among the sportspersons and also different sufferers of health issues like heart, brain, lungs and so on.
Impact of IoT technology on personalization: The use of personalization in different offices for biometric entry is another area of using IoT technology. This also involves the use of sensor communication to identify the particular touch of a person. The system is able to recognize the uniqueness and superiority of that particular person’s touch into the system. As mentioned by Farooq et al. (2015), this is a highly secured technology to manage access of unauthorized entry in different confidential areas. This device is already become popular among different government and non-government organizations to use the technology. The biometric sensors are working by following radio signaling technology to identify the unique touch of a specific person.
Use of IoT in different workplaces: The security of workplaces from the entry of unauthorized users can be prohibited by IoT technology. In this case, the same biometric technology or computer logs in usually being used to protect the workplace from unwanted users. The use of IoT technology can also result in increased productivity with the help of technology. As mentioned by Lee & Lee (2015). The use of machinery technology can help to enhance the productivity of the materials in less time with more accuracy. This can improve the financial condition of an organization which is having a direct impact on the employees’ satisfaction. Apart from this, there is the challenge of this system among the workers cause the increased use of mechanical systems to diminish the use of manpower to perform a job. Hence different organizations prefer to use IoT technology for their benefit.
The use of robotic technology is another area of the use of IoT technology among the others. The use of this robotic technology is affecting the lifestyle of every individual and along with that the workload also. As mentioned by He et al (2016), the robot needs to be controlled by commanding different orders. As they are restless and the accuracy of performing a job is very high the use of these robots in personal life is becoming popular. The maintenance cost is high, thus the use of this robotic technology is more popular in the developed countries. The embedded technology of sensors is also helpful to cut energy costs. This technology can help to up or down the energy levels by controlling from outside. As commented by Jing et al. (2014), the motion-sensing technology can help to detect room occupancy by not being in the workplace physically. This can help to control the workload from home by the use of technology.
Figure 2: Impacts of IoT in different background
Future Research
IoT is one of the biggest fields of research at present and even in the future also it will have wide space for research. With the evolution of technology the gadgets and the devices used in industries even for personal use are evolving. With the progress of technology, security threats are also increasing day by day. Challenges are being faced at the time of implementation of the security systems due to a lack of knowledge of the user in the process. It is expected that with time the technology will evolve gradually which will require more research to develop a better security system to protect private data.
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