When it is said that our first impression is last impression, is it only relevant to our personal looks and body language or in this era, which is full of technology and online platforms it also applies to our business portfolio as well. You got it right, not a big fact but ignored widely.
You all must have heard about websites, yeah, what’s new about it?
True, there is nothing new but still when the moment comes when we have to walk that extra mile for making our business presentable, we do everything but ignoring the first impression of our web presence.
Why all the fuss about a web page, after all, the website is fulfilling its basic responsibility of sharing the information. Nowadays, a web page isn’t only an information sharing brochure. It keeps within it self a huge potential of generating business. It is tool which is when used appropriately can bring you a considerable size of clientele.
Let us see what can we do to make it appealing and easily searchable on the web:

- Be specific with your content:
One can put thousands of words on the website, why not? After all there is no limit of content on the website. But it is like wearing warm clothes in summer season, totally unnecessary. Wait! It is not smart move as well.
The content should be crisp, to the point and easily understandable. We can put infographics, relevant pictures with that piece of content. I personally like to relate the professional looking content with in contrast pictures like if we are mentioning challenges, then we can put a hiking image to show the hurdles and so on.

- Make sure your visitor spends some time on the website:
The website should be attractive enough to catch the eye of the visitors. They should be keen to go on every page and section of your website. Again, for easy surfing it should be user friendly. There shouldn’t be any out of the blue inventions in the website which makes the user uncomfortable and they have to solve puzzles while moving from one place to another. It irritates them and as a result they will lose interest and bye-bye!

- The Personality thing:
The approach of business presentation in the website should be identical to the company’s ethics. There should not be a lot of variation in the context of both. The values of company must be visible in the website, this can be achieved by representing the historical achievements, mission and vision section or in personal message from the senior profile of the company. There visibility on the website creates another level of trust factor in the visitor’s mind.
There are several good website designers and consultants available in the market, one should not hesitate exploring new options and discuss few ideas with them, no one charges for discussing ideas and surprisingly some good opinions could be gathered before finalizing the web design. It is very important to go for an expert professional and not doing the design part on your own because they do a lot of design and know the importance of SEO compatibility, UI, UX and latest trends going in the market. So, wish you a good luck for your next website.